Lars Janssen / Rêvasser Films

Captain Hook: The Cursed Tides

Coming soon!

Recent score releases

Lisanne Sweere / CineSud



Jean-Pierre Améris / Escazal Films / choreographer: Irene van Zeeland

Danse ta vie


Barbara Bredero / IJswater Films

Project Herbert



Free works

Album, composed, performed & produced by Herman Witkam

more music for landscapes


Album, composed, performed & produced by Herman Witkam

music for landscapes




Herman was interviewed in 2021 by Alexa Rodrigues of Shortcutz Amsterdam for online film music & composer magazine Private Kitchen.

Favorite instruments

Instruments with a story


Modern dance

Featured projects

Music for the TV ad for the 2024 Holland Dance Festival

Full project list is available on IMDb.


Herman Witkam is a film composer, multi-instrumentalist and sound designer based in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Since first enrolling in the HKU University of the Arts Utrecht composition program in 2004, he has composed scores for numerous feature films, television series and documentaries, as well as for games, commercials and theater projects.

Not only does Witkam compose the music for his projects, he plays and records most of the instruments heard in his scores himself. Of the more than 100 instruments he’s mastered, the Japanese shakuhachi and Armenian duduk may be the most notable. Witkam collects instruments from all over the world and combines them with innovative composing techniques to create a unique sound for every score.

More music

Jonathan Smit / Cabin Content


Lars Janssen / Rêvasser Films


dir. Samantha Janssen, Charlotte Rietbergen / prd. Lavender Films

De Swarte Drie van de Deelen / Samantha Janssen, Charlotte Rietbergen / Lavender Films


Albert Jan van Rees / IJswater Films


Sophie van de Pol / IJswater Films


Sander Blom / Sander Blom Films


Carolina Kzan / Omaro Prd.


Barbara Bredero / Lemming FIlm


Kerst bij Koosje / dir. Barbara Bredero / Fiction Valley

Hamartía / dir. Rudolf van den Berg / Interakt

De prijs van de waarheid / dir. Danyael Sugawara

App / dir. Bobby Boermans

Spijt! / dir. Dave Schram / Shooting Star

Mees Kees op kamp / dir. Barbara Bredero / PV Pictures

Blijf! / dir. Lourens Blok / Shooting Star

Shewi Hisab (Night of Judgement) / dir. Hussain Sewdin

Studio & instruments


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Copyright © 2004-2024 WitkamSound. All rights reserved.

Photography credits: portrait by Maja Silver, Danse ta vie still by Caroline Bottaro.